Monday, August 22, 2011

The Last 5 Months

What a wonderful Summer it has been!

We finished off our Spring with an extravagant production of My Fair Lady, directed by Stephen Stearns.  This was senior Taylor Patno's farewell performance.  He has been performing with NEYT for over 5 years as a student!

Taylor Patno as Henry Higgins and Aurora Phillips as Eliza Doolittle.

Next, The NEYT Alumni Association took over the theater to produce and perform in Cyrano de Bergerac, directed by Ben Stockman, 0'4.

Shannon Ward, Addison Rice, & Sam Perry star in Cyrano de Bergerac.
Then the NEYT Summer Programs got under way!  First up were the Junior Melodramas, both original plays written and directed by Jane Baker and Stephen Stearns.

Ella B and the Great Escape directed by Stephen Stearns and Naomi Shafer. The actors left and right: are Kit Blazej and Aiden Meyer.
Next we dazzled audiences with Beauty & the Beast, directed by Rebecca Waxman.  To kick off this wonderful event, we had a social service appreciation night.  Youth Services, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, the Boys & Girls Club, United Way, and many other local organizations were given free tickets to the final dress rehearsal of the show.

After Beauty & the Beast, the summer programming continued with Jr. Shakespeare's presentation of All that Glisters - scenes from the Merchant of Venice, Circus Minimus's An Animal & Insect Circus, Senior Melodrama's original plays written and directed by Jane Baker and Stephen Stearns, and finally, the Senior Shakespeare Program's The Merchant of Venice.
Graduating senior, Jacob Knapp plays Shylock the Jew. Behind him are Ethan Reichsman and Alex Luckham, playing Antonio and Bassanio.
The summer wrapped up with another Alumni production - the Original Works Festival.  Alumni presented original plays, music, art, and videos in an intimate setting. 

It was quite a successful summer!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

This winter has been full of excitement!

Here is the past season in review:

April Fools Cabaret was not snowed out, though it was a close call with forecasters predicting a HUGE nor'easter was coming our way.  Not an inch of snow was left in Brattleboro by the time of the performance!
 Check out our pictures: NEYT Mentors' April Fools Cabaret

Before that, Theatre Adventure Program put on an original play, created by the cast - Imagine That: Our Stories Take Flight!  This event was sponsored by Cultural Intrigue.

Check out these pictures:  Imagine That: Our Stories Take Flight!

Hecuba played to RAVE reviews.  Eric Bass directed this classic Greek tragedy with our youngest group of performers, ages 9-13.  This show was sponsored by 1st Advantage Dental.
 Take a look at this beautiful slide show, created by our staff photographer Laura Bliss:  Hecuba slideshow

To kick off the new year, the NEYT Alumni Association produced and performed Shakespeare Unrehearsed: A Midsummer Night's Dream.  Ben Stockman directed this excellent experiment in Shakespeare and Acting to great success!  This event was a fundraiser for NEYT's Angels in the Wings scholarship program.

See images from this event:  Shakespeare Unrehearsed, 2011

During the holiday season we put up a stunning production of Fiddler on the Roof, sponsored by Brattleboro Savings & Loan, and Fleming Oil, inc.

As a jump into the season of giving, NEYT hosted a fundraiser for 3 local organizations that help displaced persons with basics of life, such a food and shelter.  The event was No Lasting Home: Stories of Displacement and Diaspora.  Over a dozen people from our community shared their stories of displacement and diaspora.  NEYT managed to raise $3000 to disburse between Keene's Community Kitchen, Greenfield Family Inn, and Youth Services, located in Brattleboro & Bellows Falls.  Videos of this educational event may be purchased in the NEYT office for $10.  This wonderful night of storytelling was funded in part by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation